“How do I look younger on video?”
This is one question I get asked ALL the time!
No matter your age, there are always some things you can do to give you more confidence on screen.
Don’t let being older stop you getting on camera to promote your brand or business!
If you want my top 5 tips, then read on…
#1: Check Your Neck On Camera

You don’t need to put on a turtleneck or wrap a scarf right round you. Instead, think about a round neck top or a shirt under a jacket to minimise having your whole neck out on show.
When you start shooting videos, you tend to concentrate on lighting up your face.
Don’t forget about your neck! Plan to enhance it from the get-go.
#2: Whiten Your Teeth

It is really important to look friendly on camera, and a big smile makes a massive difference.
If we have a clean, white smile to start, it’s an immediate winner to engage an audience. As we age, our teeth get discoloured and tend to yellow, which can really show up on camera.
From around our early 40s, a combination of genes, tea and coffee, soy sauce and red wine may have you in need a bit of extra oomph.
In the UK, the over the counter teeth whitening kits are only allowed to contain 0.1% of hydrogen peroxide. If you visit your dentist, you can get them cleaned with a 6% concentration.
If you are in the USA, it’s bonanza time, as products and dental treatments are allowed to use a concentrate of 16%. Now we know why our US friends have such great smiles!!!
The UK home whitening kits can take your teeth up a couple of shades, so they are worth it for a confidence boost.
Here are 3 we recommend taking a look at:
- Spotlight Oral Care Teeth Whitening System
- Rio Smile White Teeth Whitening Treatment
- SmileTime Teeth Whitening Kit
If you’re in the US, try these strips from Crest!
#3: Lighting Tricks

As you know, I am not a fan of complicated lighting when shooting your smartphone videos. But if you need a bit of extra help, then this trick can give you more confidence.
When we are older, we want to avoid shadows on our faces and under our eyes. This means you can try putting your light right in front of you rather than at a 45-degree angle.
Having the light in front of you will result in the video having very few shadows. Do be aware it can make you look a bit flat, so experiment with where exactly is best for you.
Remember, natural light or soft diffused light is the most flattering.
Try a reflector…
Another trick worth trying is adding a bit of bounce with a reflector. You will have seen photographers using them – they can be white or black, silver or gold.
Usually they are out of shot and are placed in front of the person being photographed. They reflect the light back onto your face and are very flattering for portrait shots.
These reflectors fill in the shadows of eye bags and double chins and can add a great glow – making you look younger and healthier!
The silver reflectors are good for brightening shadows, and they highlight your face without changing the colour of light in your shot. They are also used to make eye colour pop.
The gold reflectors do the same but add a warmer colour to your shots. They are usually used outdoors, but many people now use them indoors to add warmth to skin tones.
Here are two inexpensive options you can try:
#4: Stay Away From Black

When you are deciding what to wear on camera, don’t automatically go for black!
As we get older, black near our faces can be extremely unflattering. It is a hard colour that can drain all the warmth and colour tone out of you. That is NOT what we want for on camera confidence.
Think about navy blue or dark grey. Sludgy softer colours in a top or jacket that will still look smart on camera but won’t look harsh or age you.
Do consider wearing some colour as it works so well for video. Experiment and find a colour that peps you up – maybe start off with a simple bright patterned shirt!
Just concentrate on wardrobe for your top half, as that is all we’ll see the majority of the time.
Remember, don’t frame up too tight – you want your head and chest in shot. Make it wide enough for viewers to see your hands too. Did you know that studies show audiences will trust you more if they can see your hands?
#5: Define Your Eyebrows

As we age, eyebrows become more sparse and thin for women, or curl up and go completely crazy for men. Either way, eyebrows looking bonkers can add years to your face.
When you’re on camera, it’s very important to have definition in your face. Making sure your eyebrows are strong, neat and defined can really help with a flattering on-screen look.
You want to be careful here, as over definition can make you look decidedly odd! Choose products that fill in gaps and make your brows look fuller.
Don’t worry if your eyebrows are not exactly the same, that is totally normal! Be aware that a fuller brow for over 50s is going to help you look youthful.
Men’s eyebrows can grow longer or more unruly with age. Look at cutting them or putting on some gel to keep them looking neat. You don’t want the mad professor look!
If you have gaps or just sparse brows, use a pencil and fill them in. Make sure you apply the pencil colour with light feathery strokes and then brush through.
Get some tinted brow gel and sweep over and voilà! You have your eyebrows back and your eyes framed nicely for camera confidence.
Here are three eyebrow pencils to try:
And finally, a product for those with totally unruly brows – BBB London Clear Brow Gloss.
Hope my tips help with making you feel more confident!
Make sure you check out two of my other blogs about on camera confidence and looking your best on camera.